Center Policies
The Dublin Senior Center accepts cash or check only. Checks can be made to White Lake Twp.
Inclement Weather Policy
Dublin Senior Center will be open during inclement weather (we will no longer close per school closings). Any instructor or travel company can choose to cancel (Dublin will notify the public of cancelations as soon as possible). We advise all seniors to use your own judgment when venturing out to our center (but Dublin will be open unless otherwise posted).
Class/Program Policy
- Classes are subject to a minimum enrollment or they may be canceled
Massage Therapy/Reiki Policy
- Cancelations cannot be transferred or refunded
Special Event Policy
- If you cancel, no refunds will be issued unless we are able to fill your space
- Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled activity begins
Dublin Day Trips Policy
- If you cancel, no refunds will be issued unless we are able to fill your space
Participation Stipulation
For participant’s own well-being, we remind you that the Dublin Community Senior Center is not responsible for providing care for individuals who have a physical or mental impairment that causes an inability to care for their own personal needs, or that may jeopardize the rights of other members of the group.
Dublin Community Senior Center offers information through resources and referrals, seminars, classes, and events. We do not recommend or endorse any individuals, companies, or agencies. We only inform those inquiring what may be available.