

In an average year the Detective Bureau typically handles approximately 500 criminal case assignments and obtains over 300 criminal warrants.  There are two full-time Detectives assigned to the Bureau.  The School Resource Officer and the TEAM Officer are also assigned to to the Bureau and function as Detectives in addition to their other duties.  A Detective is also assigned to a DEA Task Force.  The Detective Bureau is currently under the command of Lt. Matthew Silverthorn.

Lt. Silverthorn served in the U.S. Army.  He graduated from the Police academy and earned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Washtenaw Community College.  Lt. Silverthorn earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Ferris State University.  He also graduated from Central Michigan University in 2015 where he earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration.  Lt. Silverthorn completed the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command in 2013. 

During his career at WLTPD, he has held the positions of Patrol Officer, Detective, Patrol Sergeant, and Administrative Sergeant/Lieutenant.  He has also performed several other duties for WLTPD, such as Field Training Officer, Special Response Team, Evidence Technician, Property Room Manager, Union President and Vice President, Accreditation Manager and Assessor, as well as various other duties.  As Administrative Sergeant the department policies and training were restructured and redesigned, and the department acquired accreditation with MACP.