Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) is a five member board of White Lake residents appointed by the Township Supervisor, including one liaison member from the Planning Commission and one liaison member from the Township Board.  The members serve three-year terms.  

The general responsibilities of the ZBA include:

  • Interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Hear appeals of decisions made by an administrative official or body due to error, inconsistent application of regulatory requirements, or some other alleged injustice.
  • Determination of requirements for a use not specifically listed in the Zoning Ordinance or appeal of interpretations by an administrative official or body.
  • Hear appeals for a variance from a Zoning Ordinance provision due to a practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship associated with a unique property.


The Zoning Board of Appeals meet on the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. (except when in conflict with holidays) in the Township Annex.  The application deadline for new Zoning Board of Appeals cases is the fourth Thursday of each month.

Click Here to View Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Zoning Board of Appeals Members

Jo Spencer - Chairperson
Steve Anderson - Township Board Liaison
Debby Dehart - Planning Commission Liaison
Niklaus Schillack -Vice Chairperson
Clif Seiber 
Anthony Madaffer- Alternate