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  1. Corridor Improvement Authority Board

    Corridor Improvement Authority | Calendar Event | 06/01/23 05:00pm

    Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Corridor Improvement Authority Board Agenda Packet ... campaigns, develop, coordinate and conduct retail and institutional promotions, and sponsor special events ...

  2. Township Board Meeting

    Township Board | Calendar Event | 06/20/23 07:00pm

    Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Township Board Meeting Agenda Packet ... Trustees were able to use the Township vehicles for Township related events or seminars. Deputy Pergament ... employees, the largest budget and they host more community events and his secretary is involved in every ...

  3. Planning Commission Meeting

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 08/18/22 07:00pm

    Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Packet ... September. Commissioner Carlock reported that the Family Fun Day was a very successful event. The endangered ... Lighting events will be run by the Township rather than the Historical Society. The Parks and Recreation ... Day, 125 people enjoyed the event. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director O’Neil Planning Commission members ...

  4. Township Board Meeting

    Township Board | Calendar Event | 09/21/21 07:00pm

    Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Township Board Meeting Agenda Packet WHITELAKMI ... declared that the good news is that Tim Horton's and Taco Bell are no longer struggling. Mr. Bohn ... He noted the digital sign to allow for communication with the public regarding meetings and events ...

  5. Planning Commission Meeting

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 10/19/23 07:00pm

    Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Packet ... be put for sale. The Fisk Farm Festival was a popular event. Trunk or Treat would be held at Fisk ... past or approaching the end of the designated adoption period. In the event the municipalities adopt ... 22 Item B. Introduction & Background | 13 Image Caption 23 Item B. 02. Demographics 14 | White ...

  6. Special Township Board Meeting

    Township Board | Calendar Event | 11/07/23 05:30pm

    Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Special Township Board Meeting Agenda Packet WHITELAKMI ... the terms and conditions of the Plan. The Employer also agrees that in the event of any conflict ... healthcare. Vacation time: three weeks per calendar year, after five years seniority, employee will follow the ... control and a signed statement verifying return of all such property. In the event the Township Assessor ...

  7. Planning Commission Meeting

    Planning Commission | Calendar Event | 05/05/22 07:00pm

    Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event Menu Settings Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Packet ...

  8. Special Township Board Meeting

    Township Board | Calendar Event | 12/12/19 07:00pm

    12-12-19 Synopsis Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event Menu Settings Special ...

  9. Special Township Board Meeting

    Township Board | Calendar Event | 09/15/20 06:15pm

    september_15_2020_special_board_agenda_and_electronic_instructions.pdf 09-15-2020_special.pdf Synopsis Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Web Page Calendar Event ...

  10. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting

    Parks & Recreation Committee | Calendar Event | 10/13/21 07:00pm

    Wednesday, October 13, 2021- 7:00pm Minutes Agenda Image Slideshow Display Contact Info Block Calendar Event ... the Civic Center area and holding more events, and allowing alcohol would be positive. He added there ... limits for events. Treasurer Roman asked staff if the police went through the parks regularly. Staff ... 16th was the Fisk Farm Halloween event. Staff Planner Quagliata told the Committee he let Greg Baroni ... know the Township would partner with the Historical Society on the event. Fisk Farm Festival was ... a few personnel (including possibly Oakland County CISMA as part of a fall work day event), but for ...
