2025 Dates to Remember

Yellow sticky note paper with the text important dates

February 20th:  Personal Property Statement and Form 5076 due.
March 4th:  Board of Review Organizational meeting.
March 10th:  Board of Review meeting (9am to 12pm & 1pm to 4pm).
March 12th:  Board of Review meeting (1pm to 4pm & 6pm to 9pm).
May 31st:  Deadline for filing a petition to the Michigan Tax Tribunal (205.735a) for commercial and industrial real property and personal property.
June 1st:  Deadline for filing Principal Residence Exemption Affidavits (form 2368) for exemption from the 18-mill school operating tax to qualify for a PRE for the summer tax levy.
June 30th:  Deadline for property classification appeals to the Michigan State Tax Commission (Sec. 211.34c, MCL).
July 1st:  Summer property taxes payable.
July 22nd:  July Board of Review meets to correct mutual mistakes of fact or clerical errors on the assessment roll, (Sec. 211.53b, MCL).   PA 74 of 1995 authorizes July Board of Review to hear appeals for poverty exemptions, but not for poverty exemption denied by the March Board of Review. 
July 31st:  Deadline for filing a petition to the Michigan Tax Tribunal, (205.735a) for residential property.  Appeals are considered timely filed if mailed first class and postmarked on or before July 31st.  
December 1st:  Winter property taxes payable.
December 9th:  December Board of Review meets to correct mutual mistakes of fact or clerical errors on the assessment roll (Sec. 211.53b, MCL).  PA 74 of 1995 authorizes December Board of Review to hear appeals for poverty exemptions, but not for poverty exemptions denied by the March or July Boards of Review.